Who owns Graff Diamonds hallucination?

The Graff Diamonds Hallucination is perfect for the ladies… or one very lucky lady, whose net worth will suddenly escalate in leaps and bounds. The idea of making this pricey piece of haute horology came from Laurence Graff, the Chairman of Graff Diamonds.

Who owns Graff Diamonds the fascination?

Laurence Graff Founder and Chairman of Graff Diamonds, Laurence Graff, has played a key role in the design and meticulous creation of The Fascination, which stemmed from a thought-provoking and masterful collaboration between the jewellery house's London and Swiss ateliers.

How much is a Graff Diamonds hallucination watch?

Graff Diamonds unveils the $55 million "Hallucination" watch made of 110 carats of rare multi-colored diamonds.

What is Graff known for?

diamonds Globally renowned for the quality of its diamonds, Graff is one of the world's most respected jewellers and its founder and chairman, Laurence Graff, one of its foremost diamantaires.

What is Graff Diamonds hallucination?

The Graff Hallucination jewellery watch, presented in 2014, takes the cake with its $55 million price tag. This dizzying concoction of 110 carats of rare multi-coloured diamonds is estimated to be the most valuable watch on the planet.

How much is the billionaire watch?

He wrote at the time: "This my new timepiece, it's called "The Billionaire Watch". "If you don't know about it, google Billionaire Watch. That's $18 Million on the price tag.

Are Graff Diamonds Ethical?

Graff has always been at the forefront of such developments and is committed to acting in an ethical and responsible manner in all its business practices. We do not tolerate slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labour or human trafficking either within our business or within our supply chains.

Graff diamonds saat